Question: 1 / 170

Which of the following incidents would qualify for online crime reporting?

Physical fight

Identity theft

Identity theft is an incident that qualifies for online crime reporting because it is often a non-violent crime where the victim can provide necessary information remotely without the need for an immediate police presence on the scene. Online reporting systems are designed to handle cases where the crime has already occurred, and the victim may need to report the incident for documentation, potential restitution, or further investigation without the urgency that is typically present in violent incidents.

For physical fights, assaults, and drunk disturbances, these situations usually require a prompt police response to ensure public safety, assess the situation, and potentially make arrests. Such incidents can involve active danger to individuals or the public, which makes them unsuitable for online reporting where immediate action is needed. These crimes often necessitate a police officer's physical presence for intervention, evidence collection, and victim assistance.


Drunk disturbance


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